What Do Maids Normally Not Clean?

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A maid is a great way to keep your home clean and save yourself lots of time. With a maid, you can make your home cleaner than you could have done. Through a Maid Service in Malaysia, you can hire for your home that will ease you of a lot of stress. Not everyone enjoys doing house chores, if you don’t have a choice than to do it and you are still not getting results, you may consider getting Malaysia maid agency to get you a maid that can do it excellently. Your home stands a chance of being cleaner with a maid in Malaysia helping you out. 

Nonetheless, most maids in Malaysia are hardworking but there are some aspect of cleaning that they all avoid. Knowing what they avoid, you’ll be able to monitor and keep a close eye to ensure it is thoroughly cleaned. That’s the essence of this article, to help you and the Maid Agency in Malaysia get value out of your maid. If you know you can afford a maid service in Malaysia, you will be caught up between going independent or contracting a maid agency in Malaysia, the latter is the better option. Corporate maid agency services in Malaysia takes away all the stress and liability from you, putting you on the right side of the law. 

So what would maids normally not clean? It doesn’t appear important but you’ll be saving yourself a lot of hassles if you know now; 

  1. Sponges

That’s what maids use in cleaning the home, but they rarely take care of the sponges. What you don’t know is that sponges breeds millions of bacteria. Instruct your Filipino maid in Malaysia to disinfect every sponge not later than once a week. You can either teach your maid in Malaysia to bleach or microwave the sponges. 

  1. Bath Mat

Are you surprised? Ask your Maid in Malaysia, the last time the bathroom door mat was cleans last. You are always soaking the mat with water, providing an abode for bacteria and mold to develop. You should ask your Filipino maid in Malaysia to launder the mat not less than twice in a month using high heat or bleach. 

  1. Laundry Basket

Imagine that this important item is often forgotten not just by your Maid in Malaysia but also by you. After keeping all the underwear, sweaty gym clothes, and smelling beddings, the laundry basket still gets ignored. It’s your fault if your Filipino Maid in Malaysia isn’t cleaning the laundry basket, maybe you never told her to. 

  1. Kitchen Handle, Knobs and Switch

You may not notice, just go take a look at the switches in your kitchen, the handles also, they are always messy. Discolored and harboring bacteria, your kitchen knobs are also a target. Instruct your maid in Malaysia to clean those places if possible on a daily basis. Your Filipino maid in Malaysia will find it odd, just ask them to do it.

For more information about Maid Service Malaysia, please visit https://www.maid-agency.com.my/

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